What should be the style of the content? How should one write for students? And how for bankers? These questions worry many copywriters, digital marketers, and businesses. Often the wrong style of content kills conversion, simply not getting into the language of the target audience.
You can say wonderful things, close all the objections, and generally write greatly. But if you get the style wrong, it will all be for nothing. The reader won’t accept you. So take a look at the 5 best content writing styles. These styles are enough to solve 100% of the content tasks.
Persuasive Positive Content Writing Style
This content writing style is suitable for 99% of content strategies. Its advantage lies in the combination of convincing and positive. Reading the content in a persuasive-positive style leaves the reader with a pleasant aftertaste. Plus, you get the first credit of credibility even at the stage of reading.
It can be used in almost any text. From entertainment posts on social networks to the content of serious holdings.
A short example of a persuasive-positive content writing style:
“Parting with money is never easy, and that’s why we especially appreciate you choosing this website. Not to let you down, we’ll try to do everything right. We work every day so that you can say – “Yeah, these guys know how to give good service”. That’s the kind of recognition we work hard for, and we don’t need any extra motivation.”
Signs of persuasive-positive content writing style are openness, kind words, honesty, and trustworthiness. It is as if we are saying to the client “We are the same, we will not let you down”. This style allows you to speak to the reader and fully disclose any benefits without pathos and clichés.
Ironic Content Writing Style
People are tired of piling up monotonous faceless texts, behind which you can’t see the author. Yes, perhaps monotonous faceless texts carry information. But no more than that. They are dead emotionally and do not allow them to speak fully to the reader.
The ironic content writing style enlivens the emotional response. Not only does it bring a smile to the reader, but it is also relatable. It is memorable. Monotonous faceless texts are layered one on top of the other. They are not stored in memory.
Ironic content is always original, and therefore recognizable.
A short example of ironic content writing style:
“First you order a text in a hurry, then you wait a week or more, the result – bitter disappointment and drained budgets. Sound familiar? Don’t feel bad, you’re not alone: statistics show that over 40% of clients are too lazy to fill out a brief, which has fatal consequences. Let’s stop throwing money to the wind and put up with the tedious brief that is so important for the quality of the text.”
Signs of ironic content writing style are light irony, a lively syllable, positivity, offering a solution.
Conversational Content Writing Style
This content writing style is excellent because it allows you to get to the point at once, without any exquisite literary contrivances. That is, not an “at that time we were short of money”, but “at that time we just did not have the money”.
This content writing style is a cousin of persuasive-positive and ironic styles. You can combine them, reinforce one with the other, and experiment in general.
A short example of conversational content writing style:
“Hi! Do you know why your website isn’t growing in Google search results? It’s because you’re greedy! Instead of ordering great content from strong writers, you buy cheap texts. People spit from such nonsense and leave.
No social signals, no high behavioral factors. It’s just a waste. Although you think you save money on cheap texts, in fact, you lose more. Can you stop being greedy, huh?”
Signs of conversational content writing style are simplicity, clarity of idea, the use of slang, and the rejection of complex words and constructions therefore, it is very popular among paper writing service and other content creation services.
This content writing style is also popular on social networks but increasingly appears on landing pages. Convenient because it immediately catches the target audience and speaks its language.
Provocative Content Writing Style
To be frank, it’s not really a style, but still more of a content writing technique. Provocation as a method of persuasion works well. We put it in the style because it often goes beyond the technique.
The entire text can be built on one big provocation, and it is already worthy of a separate pedestal.
One more nuance: provocation can be created with almost any style, except the official-business style. The main thing is to focus attention on the most important pain of the targeted audience and gradually put pressure on them.
A short example of provocative content writing style:
“When people think of an on-demand webinar, they usually think of a simple video, like the one you would watch on YouTube.
The problem is a video is not a webinar! Webinars are interactive. Attendees get to engage with the host and ask questions in chat. Watching a video and attending a webinar are two totally different things.
So then why would you call a pre-recorded webinar a webinar if it’s not?.”
Signs of provocative content writing style are light aggression and pain points discussion.
Business Content Writing Style
Some tasks should be performed only in a business style. Often it is required by corporate ethics, the format of the text, or a certain niche.
A short example of business content writing style:
“The sphere of corporate interests of the company NN includes several priority areas at once. Thus, the main objective of the company is to create logistics centers in Ukraine, which could fully cover the needs of businesses even during peak seasonal activity.”
Signs of business content writing style are lack of emotion, clericalism, in some cases – artificial complications of the text.
We have discussed the 5 best content writing styles. Remember that except for the business style, all other formats can be combined. It all depends on the objectives and skill of the author.