The availability of free online resources, public records, and photo directories to find anyone, anywhere in our day and age is mind-blowing. If you are looking for an old colleague, there are many ways to find the information you need. For instance, you can start by looking them up by name and city or state to narrow the search down.
Some websites feature reverse phone and address lookup, so you might get lucky with an old number or address. In addition, you can find a current address or landline for free. Other details, such as a mobile number, might cost a fee to obtain. Here’s everything else you need to know about how to look up a person online.
Start With LinkedIn
You can use LinkedIn to look for someone you used to work with by looking up the company or companies where you worked together. This works for classmates, as well. If you went to school together, you can also look up alumni on this platform.
Simply type the name of the company and follow the link to its LinkedIn page. There’s no guarantee you’ll find your old colleague’s profile, but you might find profiles of other former coworkers. You can message them to ask whether they know anything about your search target’s current whereabouts and activities. Moreover, you can do a search by job position too.
Comb Public Records
Public records are widely available online and can show whether someone changed their name, got married, got divorced or had children. It’s easy to check for this information if you know their married name. The National Center for Health Statistics has links to each state on its site. Alternatively, you can call the local county office for more information.
Deep Web
Sites on the Deep Web are not visible to traditional search engines, but you can use a people finder such as Pipl or a background check service to find the relevant information. If your old colleague preferred to keep a low profile, the Deep Web is certainly worth a shot. Some providers can find people who have posted on a private platform or a password-protected forum. It’s possible to search by name or location in different states. The results will list the person’s full name, address, phone number, and any social account information. You might even get a list of friends or relatives or a current pic to confirm you found the right person.
Background Check Services
Background check providers can go through a multitude of public records very quickly. They will help you find specific information, even if you don’t remember much about the person. Even searching with a name alone can help you find the information you need. You will get an address history, an email, and social media information. That’s more than enough to try to contact an old coworker.
Most screening providers will look up names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses at no charge. This is included in the most basic search options. Even if you have an old email address, a reverse email search can provide current contact information. You can get an email and social media if you have a phone number.
If you have an old mailing address, look it up by all means. Even if they moved a long time ago, the background check site might get their current one.
Above all, don’t give up. Getting in touch with an old coworker is easier than you think.