It is the goal of every business to profit. This explains why several organizations spend considerable amounts of money and time and to devise the best strategies to help them make more money. And one of the essential departments they focus on is marketing. Marketing has gone beyond walking around and telling people about your brand and business. You can now market your products and services to people in different regions without even seeing them. One of the ways to achieve this is through SMS marketing.
SMS marketing is about sending promotional and informational text messages to your target audience. The goal is to make them buy from you and become loyal customers. Today’s article will discuss what businesses can get the most out of SMS marketing and the factors you should consider while using this marketing strategy. Let’s dive right in.
eCommerce Websites
This is one of the businesses that needs to invest in SMS marketing. The most important advantage of SMS marketing is that it can generate leads and improve sales, the main goal for eCommerce websites.
eCommerce stores can use text message campaigns to inform potential customers of their latest products and give them coupon codes to enjoy discounts.
Besides, they can use SMS marketing for order receipts and shipping and delivery confirmations. By doing so, their customers won’t have to constantly refresh their emails waiting for confirmation and status of their orders.
Businesses can use marketing automation platforms like HubSpot or SendPulse to send both email and bulk SMS campaigns to send purchase confirmation messages or abandoned cart notifications.
Travel Companies
Travel organisations can use SMS marketing in their businesses and reap the benefits. Before travelling, most customers plan their trip weeks or months ahead. And once they’ve set everything in motion, they rarely come back to see if anything has changed. If you own a travel agency, you surely want to find an effective way to communicate inevitable changes to your customers as quickly as possible. What better way to achieve this than through text messages?
You can run an SMS marketing campaign to update your customers on changes about their travel plans, such as delays, cancellations, gate changes, security alerts and reservation upgrade opportunities. This way, your customers can adapt the changes to their own plans and continue to have a great experience in your business.
Event Management
This is one of the industries that requires a lot of planning and sometimes there needs to be last minute adjustments when things are not going as planned. If you own an event management business, you need an effective way to reach out to registered event attendees, especially when managing a large-scale event. With SMS marketing, you can achieve that. When problems arise, you can create a text message campaign to inform the attendees about changes in the plan. This could be last-minute logistical changes, updates about the event, such as speaker or parking, or security alerts. By doing that, you can save yourself from having an angry customer breathing down your neck.
Apart from using SMS marketing to reach out to attendees about changes, you can also use it to market your business. For instance, if you are running a discount on some of your services, you can send a campaign text to your potential customers to inform them and encourage them to choose you.
Service Businesses That Requires Appointments
Businesses such as barbershops and dentists offices that require appointments can also take advantage of the benefits of SMS marketing. As you may know, customers are not perfect and may forget their appointment. As a business owner, you can use text message campaigns to remind them about their appointments so they won’t miss them. This will help you eliminate wasting time on missed appointments and save you money in the long run. Besides that, your customers will likely be happy with your business for always having them in mind, which will make them loyal.
Is SMS Marketing Really Worth It?
We’ve highlighted some businesses where SMS marketing is pretty impactful. But you may wonder, what’s all the fuss about SMS marketing? Text messages have a faster open and click-through rate than emails. According to several studies, it takes people around two hours or more to check their emails. But as for text messages, people often check their phones as soon as a new message comes in. This means you can have a more successful way of using SMS marketing and reap the benefits while applying the right strategies.
Tips for Using SMS Marketing in Businesses
If you want the best results with your SMS marketing campaigns, then you must follow the best practices. Don’t send messages to just about anyone without getting their permission, as this can have consequences. While creating an SMS campaign, keep it short and straight to the point. This way, you won’t bore your readers and make them lose interest in your brand. It is advisable to keep your text messages within the 160-character count.
Another tip for successfully using SMS marketing in business is to personalise messages to make your audience feel important. Also, don’t bombard your audience’s inboxes with too many messages, as this can be tiring.
In a Nutshell
Almost every business can benefit from using SMS marketing as a part of their strategies to generate more leads and make more profit. However, we have discussed some businesses where text message marketing can be more impactful. Remember, if you have an eCommerce website, you can use SMS marketing to keep your customers up-to-date about their order receipts and shipping and delivery confirmations.
Travel companies and event management organizations can also use text messaging to inform their customers about changes in plans. Likewise, service-oriented businesses that require appointments can use this marketing strategy to communicate with their customers and remind them of their appointments. If you use SMS marketing in your business correctly, you will surely experience its numerous benefits.