Are you looking to convert BTC to XMR without verification? Of course, just any dubious platform isn’t suitable for such a procedure. You need a reliable and safe exchange.
What about LetsExchange then? This platform doesn’t require from you anything to convert BTC to XMR. Along with these coins, you can swap here more than 200+ coins, among which you can find even though with very low liquidity indeed. The good thing is that the exchange has its own liquidity sources to support any transaction between the available coins. Thus, you won`t need to wait for ages until your trade is completed.
Some More Benefits You Can Count on
Along with this rather significant advantage, offers some more benefits to its clients. Whenever you choose to swap coins on the platform, you can count on the following advantages:
- The mentioned absence of verification. The platform deals with cryptocurrency only. You can start exchanging coins asap, as soon as you provide the information needed for a transaction.
- You can choose whether you want to trade with a fixed or a floating rate.
- The platform is absolutely easy-to-use, you need just to move to the exchange widget and provide the needed information. Within a couple of steps, the transaction is completed.
- You get the most profitable deals. When the transaction data is provided, a proprietary SmartRate technology starts working. It compares the conditions in the needed crypto-pair on different exchanges and picks the most profitable deal. Everything is done automatically, you just need to wait for the result.
- The entire transaction process is completely transparent. Before you send a trade request, you can check the results by using a live calculator on the website. Provide there the needed data, and the tool will display the amount of coins that will be credited to your account. When the transaction is completed, you can download a receipt with all the details.
- A powerful SSL certificate takes care of the safety of your funds and any information that you might need to provide for the exchange procedure.
Other Options to Exchange Coins?
Of course, along with LetsExchange, there are many other platforms offering similar services. When choosing the right platform, make sure it has a proper reputation and is safe. To do so, have a look at the URL of the exchange website. If it starts with htpps, you can move on with other criteria. If though the URL starts with http only, it means that the platform isn’t protected and anybody can steal your money.
Don’t forget to communicate with the customer support of the chosen platform. They shall be efficient, helpful, and professional. It is a must if you are dealing with money.
Finally, check the clients` reviews online. There are many resources where one can leave reviews. One of the most reliable information courses is Trustpilot. If most reviews are positive and look like they were written by real users, you can use the exchange.