
5 Important Things to Remember Before Taking Your Driver’s Test

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Preparing to take your driver’s test is an exciting time for many people. As you get ready to obtain a license, you may be feeling overwhelmed or stressed about the responsibility of taking the driving test and handling a vehicle. Luckily, driver’s tests aren’t meant to be scary, but rather make sure you know the rules of the road and how to operate a vehicle.

As a new driver, don’t forget to purchase an insurance plan for new drivers before heading out to your test. Not only do most DMVs require insurance to get a license, but it’s not something you’ll want to go without anyways — especially as an inexperienced driver.

Before taking your driver’s test, you need to be prepared. You can’t just go into the test without learning some things first. In this article, we’ll go over a few different things you should remember before taking your driving test. Good luck!

Try not to take your hands off the wheel

During the test, avoid taking your hands off the wheel, but don’t be frightened into thinking that taking your hands off the wheel will cost you. It’s okay to scratch an itch or make small adjustments. What you shouldn’t do, however, is completely take your hands off the wheel to do an unnecessary task, such as changing the radio station or looking at your phone.

Stop early

On the roads, there are lines on the road signaling where you should stop. During your driver’s test, you should stop before this line instead of right on it. Don’t pull up as far as you can just because you can, but rather show the instructor that you are being safe by staying behind the line. Also, don’t forget to always come to a full stop before accelerating gain.

Don’t go over the speed limit

You’ll likely see many drivers on the road going slightly over the speed limit. While you should always abide by the speed limit whether or not you’re taking your driver’s test, do not go over the limit during your test. If the speed limit is 50 km/h, you should not be going over 50 km/h. Don’t drive too slow, however, as driving too slow can be just as dangerous as driving too fast.

Be friendly and don’t worry about one mistake

The tester will be in the car with you, so you should be friendly. They are, after all, the person who will be allowing you to drive after passing the test. As you proceed through your test, your tester won’t be coaching you, so don’t expect any immediate feedback. The tester will be marking down any errors on a sheet. You’re allowed a certain number of errors — if you go over this limit, you will fail. If you commit a critical error, your test will be abandoned. One small mistake won’t fail you, but if you make too many, you may be in trouble.

Know your signals

Knowing which way to flip the indicator to indicate turning left or right is simple. But, when it comes down to the moment of truth, many people blank on whether flipping the indicator up is right or down is left. Before you head to your driver’s test, make sure you know exactly which direction each flip of the indicator will point towards. If you can, practice a way to remember it with a metaphor or analogy of sort. Or, just test yourself multiple times to help muscle memory kick in. Typically, roundabouts cause the most confusion when learning how to indicate properly.

By keeping these five things in mind and practicing for your driver’s test, you should be all set to pass your exam. Once you pass, you’ll be able to enjoy the freedom of driving. But, with this freedom comes responsibility as well. Obey all traffic laws and practice safe driving skills. With enough practice, you’ll soon feel like a master of the road. You can practice for your driver’s test using our practice questions to help you prepare as well.

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