
7 Security Tips for Work from Home Enterprise

3 Mins read

Businesses of all types and sizes are embattled as working remotely is becoming necessary for every organization seeking to recruit talent and develop business continuity plans. For instance, due to the current Coronavirus pandemic ravaging the world’s economy, many companies have sent thousands of their employees to work from their homes.

Working remotely presents a distinctive challenge for data security as remote work environments lack key security measures like those installed in the offices. When employees are working at the office, they work behind coats of preventative security controls. 

 So, it’s much harder for employees to make security mistakes when they are at the office. Nonetheless, when computers leave the office vicinity and employees work remotely, new risks surface for the company’s data, and other security policies are crucial.

Here are the seven things that businesses and their remote workers can do to preserve their data. 

1 Set up a Cyber Security Policy

The first step in safeguarding the company’s data is to ensure that all employees understand that data security is always a priority. Let them know they should be concerned about data security both at a professional and personal level.

Setting up a cybersecurity policy will require all employees to sign and review the system, whether they are working remotely or not.

The policy should outline the security protocols employees must comply with. The company should show the employees the tools and the resources it provides to bridge the security gaps. The employees should sign the policy to demonstrate their commitment to adhering to the rules regardless of where they’re working from.

2 Protect all Devices with a Reliable Antivirus Solution

Most companies undertake different measures to protect their computers from malicious software. 

They may have installed robust security solutions, prohibit their employees from installing some applications, and have limited online access from banned devices.

 Kaspersky offers real-time protection from worms, trojan horses, and viruses no matter the location of the employees when they are working. 

However, it’s slippery to give that level of protection at home, raising the stakes for the company’s data’s safety.  Installing a reliable antivirus solution guarantees data security regardless of where the people are working from.

So, whether you work from the office or home, the company’s data stays secure.  

3 Always use a VPN when connecting to Wi-fi Networks You Do Not Own

Every time you are using an internet connection that does not belong to you, such as your neighbor’s wi-fi or internet from a restaurant downstairs that they’ve not secured it with a strong password, be cautious. Public wi-fi networks are not usually encrypted, and even if they’re, anybody can access the password.

To stop other users connected to this wi-fi network from snooping on you, make use of a VPN. If you are connected through a VPN, all your information will be successfully encrypted irrespective of the network setting, and strangers cannot peruse it. 

4 Use Strong Passwords and Have a Password Manager 

Understanding the importance of password protection is critical to protecting your company’s data.  Avoid having the same password for every device and program to program. Also, have a password manager that randomly generates strong passwords for you and can keep your password securely. 

 You’ll not have to struggle daily trying to remember different passwords, and the company’s data will stay uncompromised and secure.

5 Always Lock Your Devices Before Walking Away

Do you know somebody can catch a little glimpse of your daily work correspondence when you’re taking a short bathroom break or having a cup of coffee?

 It’s critical to lock your screens whenever you stand up. It’s just a little hassle but can help keep your corporate secrets very safe. 

Working from home is tiresome. Create healthy boundaries between personal time and working time to help prevent burnout. 

Even if you are working from home and strangers cannot access your room, it is still crucial to keep your device locked. Your baby can send your boss funny emojis. 

6 Update Operating System and Programs Regularly

 You will find New risks in operating systems and applications.  And cybercriminals can not stop exploiting them to invade other people’s devices.  They usually depend on people’s laziness to regularly update their software because typically, in the new versions of programs, threats are generally botched. 

It’s critical to regularly update every software installed on each device you are using for work-related purposes.

7 Avoid using USB sticks if you can

USB drives are tiny, cheap, readily available, and portable, so they are a bit popular for storing and transporting several files from one computer to the next. This makes them very attractive for hackers who can use them to infect many computers with malicious software that can spot when you plug the thumb drive into a computer. 

The malicious software then downloads the malware code onto the USB drive.  When you plug that USB drive into other computers, the malware infects those computers. 

So, always avoid using USB drives like a plaque. 

Please do your best to secure your company’s data because the life of your business largely depends on it.

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