
How to Provide Top-Notch UX From Your Business Landing Page

4 Mins read

There are millions of business landing pages on the internet. Figuring out how to make yours stand out from all the noise requires creativity and a focus on user experience (UX).

In a report by SuperOffice, researchers surveyed 1,920 business professionals about their priorities in the next five years. The customer experience (CX) tops the list, with 45.9% of executives stating it is their top priority.

User experience and customer experience are different, as a user might not necessarily be a customer. However, the two are very interrelated. If you ensure your site has excellent UX through all stages, your landing pages will shine.

How can you make sure you provide top-notch UX from your business landing page? Here are seven key factors that’ll give you a great start on the task.

1. Choose a Goal

Most websites feature more than one landing page. Each page has a specific purpose. What is the goal? What do you want site visitors to do after navigating there?

Your goal might be as simple as collecting an email or more complex, such as moving them through to the next phase of the buyer’s journey. Every element must point the user to the objective.

E*Trade narrows the focus down to the one goal of their page. The information is geared to a beginner looking to get into the stock market. The headline reads, “Where do I start?” They then explain that they offer a four-step roadmap and include a call to action (CTA) button titled “Let’s do this.”

2. Make an Emotional Appeal

Know which pain points drive people to seek your product or services. Once you understand the psychological reasons people seek out a business such as yours, it becomes much easier to solve their problems.

Let site visitors know you understand why they are there. Explain how you can help them.

3. Know Your Audience

For every 10 articles you read about UX, about eight will talk about knowing your audience and building buyer personas. The advice gets repeated because it’s at the core of everything you do on your website.

If you don’t know who your readers are, it’s challenging to offer them what they want. A big part of UX is meeting site visitors’ needs. Flesh out your buyer personas and get to know the people who visit your landing pages. The more you know, the better you can customize your site to them.

Hydroworx offers fitness and therapy pools. They have two distinct buyer personas they must reach with their landing page. The first type of site visitor is someone in physical therapy, such as after a hip replacement. The other is a younger person looking for ways to stay fit at home. Note how they utilize a hero image showcasing both buyer types.

4. Pay Attention to Mobile

According to Statista, mobile is now the top channel for internet access. With 4.66 billion internet users, about 91% of them use mobile at least part of the time. You can’t have an excellent desktop design and a lousy mobile one and expect users to have a great experience.

Your site should look similar and function the same no matter where your clients access it from. Smaller screen sizes present particular challenges with forms and clickable elements, so make sure you test everything on an actual device to spot any usage problems.

5. Use Beautiful Aesthetics

People form a first impression of you in mere seconds. In addition to a fully functional site, your site must be visually appealing to users. Think about the things you like in other websites, such as lack of clutter, plenty of whitespace, color palettes that mesh well and gorgeous photography. uses a streamlined look. The navigation bar is across the top and features four tabs and a CTA button. The images fill the screen and give an idea of the places you might be able to rent. Everything is simplified and visually appealing.

6. Utilize Visual Hierarchy

Since your page has one main goal, every image in your design should point the user toward that purpose. If you want them to click on the CTA:

  1. Make the button slightly larger than any other navigation options.
  2. Use an arrow that points to the choice.
  3. Look for ways to move the user’s eye to the objective, such as having subjects in a photograph look toward the CTA.

7. Create a Scannable Page

People are busy. They don’t always have time to read every detail on a landing page. Pull out key points and make them subheadings. Use bullets to showcase quick facts. Add a video that gets the same idea across in fewer words.

Anything you can do to make your pitch go faster is likely to impact your conversion rates positively.

GoToMeeting provides an online alternative to Google Meet and Zoom. The page’s goal is to get the site visitor to sign up and try out their cloud-based software. Note how the information on the page is limited. Headlines and subheadings are in short snippets of text. The image fades into the background.

As you scroll down the page, they outline the benefits with icons and headings to help you find what you want quickly. They use images, bullet points and subheadings to get the message across and keep the page scannable.

Test and Question

To give your landing pages the best UX imaginable, run frequent tests to see what your site visitors like. Even a change of colour might result in better usability. Ask regular clients for feedback on elements they’d like to see or problems with the site’s performance. With ongoing work and some attention to detail, your site will easily stand above every competitor’s website.

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