
Conversion Rate Optimization Guide

2 Mins read

As a business, you might be focused on driving traffic toward your website and hoping that these visitors convert.

While there’s success that can be achieved with that strategy, there’s more that you can do to ensure that your visitors are converting. That’s when conversion rate optimization (CRO) comes in

In this guide, we’ll talk more about what a conversion rate is, strategies to improve conversion rate and more.

What is a conversion rate?

A conversion rate refers to the percentage of visitors that complete an action such as clicking through to purchasing a product, filling up a form and more.

A high conversion rate typically means that your website is easy to navigate, and is formatted well. A low conversion rate on the otherhand, can be attributed to a clunky design and slow load times.

What is a good conversion rate?

There’s no such thing as a good conversion rate as it really depends on what you’re trying to achieve, your industry and so much more.

How do I calculate conversion rate?

You’d calculate your conversion rate by dividing the number of conversions by the number of visitors before multiplying that number by 100. The percentage you get is your conversion rate.

How do I improve conversion rate? 

Here’s how you go about improving conversion rate: 

  1. Run A/B tests 

One of the best ways to improve conversion rate is by running A/B tests. By running two different tests, you’ll have a much better idea of which design is better and which features resonate better with your audience.

This could even be something as simple as swapping out an image, changing where the CTA is placed and more. 

  1. Adding messages to web pages that convert well 

Live chat has become increasingly popular in recent years as it allows customers to get the support that they need in real-time. By adding messaging features to pages such as your price and product pages, there’s a higher chance of conversion from your audience.

If you’d like, you can also make live chat action-based. For example, if a visitor is spending a good amount of time on the page (say a minute or more), they’ll automatically be offered help. 

  1. Retargeting visitors 

Just because someone has left your web page doesn’t mean that they’re not interested in your product or service. It could be because they’re not ready to go ahead with a purchase or they were distracted by something else. 

By retargeting them, you’re not only re-engaging these individuals, but you also have the potential to convert them into a customer.

Just remember that even with retargeting visitors, you’ll still need to make sure that your website has impactful copy and imagery. 
3. Publish blog articles and optimise them

Publishing blog articles and optimising those that are high-performing can also help with conversion. To get started with optimisation, you can look at SEO and work on optimising them for the search engine results page.

If you’ve got old blog posts, you can also consider refreshing them and updating them to ensure that they remain relevant.

Getting started with conversion rate optimization

Conversion rate optimization can do wonders for your business and as seen from the above, a little can go a long way.

When it comes to CRO, make sure you’re tracking your results and adjusting your strategy accordingly. 

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