If you’ve ever considered a career as a social media influencer, then you’ll probably know it’s not what everyone thinks it is. Becoming an influencer takes a huge amount of work and dedication; the career’s reputation as “easy money” is completely unearned. Of course, that doesn’t mean it’s impossible; far from it, in fact. With the right amount of time investment and hard work, anyone can become a social media influencer.
Even though this career is open to anyone, TikTok presents a unique challenge for traditional social media influencers. The honest, “real” nature of the app means you can’t rely on the same influencer sales pattern you might have used on other platforms, and since TikTok is entirely video-focused, you’ll need to know how to edit and create videos if you want to establish yourself.
If you have these important skills, you’ll find that becoming a TikTok influencer is within your grasp. You can even achieve this in a very short time frame; it’s possible to become a TikTok influencer in less than a year. That’s right – with enough work, commitment, and luck, you can become a famous TikTok influencer in under a year! Here’s how you can do just that.
Get as many followers and likes as possible
If time is your enemy when it comes to becoming a TikTok influencer, then it’s a good idea to grow your channel, some buy tiktok followers to boost their fan base. One way you can do this is to use a follower service, with which you can drip-feed organic followers and likes to your content so it looks like you’re naturally gaining followers. This can help you get a leg up in a very difficult and competitive industry. If you’re looking to gain followers as quickly as possible, then follower services are one of the most reliable and effective ways to do just that. So you may buy real TikTok followers to grow your account all organic.
Create content every day and post at good times
You can’t afford to rest on your laurels if time is of the essence. That means every single day, you should be creating TikTok content. There’s no excuse for not making a video each day; TikTok videos don’t have to be long and they don’t have to be overly edited, so you can simply film a quick idea and upload it in a matter of minutes. Editing techniques, filters, and effects will help you to stand out in a crowded marketplace, but the fact is that the more content you upload, the better chance you stand of having someone see at least one video.
Reach out to as many other creators as possible
If you want to get TikTok famous quickly, you’re going to need to build an unassailable network of fellow influencers and creators. Take a look at videos other creators are making. If you spot some that look similar aesthetically to the ones you’re making, reach out to those creators and try to recruit them into a network. Create collaborative content with those influencers. Duets and Stitches are also great, but they’ll only get you so far; you can get more followers and likes if you cross-pollinate audiences with another TikTok creator.
Schedule TikTok posts
In March this year, TikTok introduced a new feature allowing you to schedule videos in advance. If your account is a Business or Creator Account – which you should definitely have if you want to become an influencer – then you can take advantage of the video scheduling tool, which lets you post up to 10 days ahead of time. It’s a good idea to make a bunch of TikTok videos at once and schedule them for the next few days rather than to post on the fly. That way, you can get on with the business of marketing yourself and your profile and let the content do its work.
Market yourself on other platforms
To become TikTok famous, you must also attempt to become famous on other social media platforms. This is because cross-promotion is extremely effective when it comes to building a profile on social media. Remember that cross-promotion isn’t the same thing as cross-posting; you shouldn’t be uploading the same content to every platform, because then people won’t have a reason to visit your different profiles. Instead, promote and point users towards your profiles, but don’t repeat yourself. This will help to build your profile as more users will see what you’re making!
Go viral
It sounds so simple, doesn’t it? “Just go viral,” we say. Well, of course, going viral on TikTok isn’t easy, or else everyone would be able to do it. However, there are certain types of video that stand a better chance of going viral on TikTok, thus earning you quick success and prestige on the platform. Great viral TikTok videos capture the user’s imagination within three seconds, and they present innovative, unique perspectives on things every TikTok user can understand or relate to. Remember these tenets as you craft your content. It should be relatable, but fresh!
Make videos about trends
The quickest way to ensure your content is viewed by a lot of people is to increase its visibility. To do this, theme it around current trends (you can check these in the main feed) and upload as quickly as possible so as to avoid missing the trend. It helps if you can catch a trend that’s upcoming; you can use TikTok analytics tools to show you how fast a hashtag is growing, and if you see one that’s growing exponentially but hasn’t reached its full user potential yet, that’s a definite opportunity for you. Trends are the beating heart of TikTok, so make sure you’re involved!