
Kicksta Review – Is It Reliable?

5 Mins read

Looking for a Kicksta review to figure out whether this Instagram growth service is reliable? You’re not the only one! 

Growing your Instagram account is a way of growing your business. The more engaged followers you have, the more conversions and sales you’re likely to make — which means increased revenue for your biz. Who doesn’t want that?

As important as Instagram growth is, however, it can also be tricky to figure out where to start. Using an Instagram growth service takes some work off of your plate in attracting new followers to your account. But with so many spammy and unethical companies out there, you might feel overwhelmed trying to figure out which growth services are reliable.

This Kicksta review gives you the lowdown on a popular growth service that promises to help you get real Instagram followers. We’ll cover features, how the platform works, pricing, and a Kicksta vs. Upleap comparison. Read on to learn what you need to know about Kicksta and whether this growth service is truly reliable. 

What Is Kicksta And How Does It Work?

Kicksta is an Instagram growth service that helps you organically grow your Instagram account and get real followers. Thousands of brands, businesses, and influencers use Kicksta to support their IG growth. Kicksta works with any industry — no matter what niche you’re in, Kicksta’s proven process to grow your account remains the same. 

By using Kicksta, you can get more real followers on Instagram. Having a high number of followers who engage with your content gives you social proof. It helps with your brand awareness, too. And this will ultimately benefit your overall revenue and sales. Kicksta can’t guarantee you a certain number of new followers. No growth service that focuses on organic growth can. But you can feel confident that if you continue posting high-quality content, Kicksta’s service will continue bringing new followers to your account.

So how does Kicksta work? When you sign up, you’ll provide Kicksta with a list of accounts who have the kind of followers you want to attract — including your competitors, complementary brands, and influencers in your niche. Kicksta will use your account to automatically like photos posted by accounts in that target audience. Kicksta will never follow or unfollow other accounts or send DM’s. Instead, Kicksta uses the liking method because it’s non-invasive. This method is highly likely to get those Instagram users to come back and check out your account.

If those users like the content they see on your profile, they’re likely to follow you and engage with your posts. Your only job is to keep posting good content — and to continue adding relevant profiles to that list so Kicksta will have more and more people to reach out to on your behalf. 

Kicksta saves you hours of time and work because of its automation features that do the job for you. And with Kicksta, you’re also guaranteed to be safe: Instagram might ban your account if you buy followers, but since everything Kicksta does is within the platform’s terms of service, you’re good to go. Kicksta is an excellent growth service to help you expand your organic reach on Instagram. 

Kicksta Features

Kicksta offers a range of detailed features that can take your Instagram growth to the next level and make the process seamless and smooth. One great feature Kicksta includes is the live chat support. If you need a hand figuring out how to use the platform, you can access live help at any time. 

The filters Kicksta offers are another helpful feature. You can set filters to make sure Kicksta doesn’t target any users who aren’t in your target audience. For example, set the gender filter to female users only, or set the English language filter to only attract English-speaking IG users. Kicksta also has a blacklist filter to further ensure that the platform doesn’t interact with anybody you don’t want it to.

Kicksta’s “Sleep Mode” is a feature that’s designed to mimic human behavior. With sleep mode, Kicksta doesn’t like photos 24/7 — it takes a break. This is beneficial because Instagram tends to crack down on automated services. So by using sleep mode, Kicksta’s automation appears humanlike, making sure your account doesn’t get flagged.

Another great feature that Kicksta offers: analytics! Use your Kicksta dashboard to keep an eye on your analytics and see the trends in your account growth over time. You can even download a detailed analytics report to share with your team.

Kicksta also has the capability to work with agencies, social media managers and PR companies. If you’re trying to juggle multiple Instagram accounts for different clients, you might feel especially overwhelmed attempting to handle growth tactics for them all. With Kicksta’s Partner Program, you can offer Instagram growth as a service to your clients and actually make a profit even while you’re paying for Kicksta month-by-month. 

Kicksta Pricing

When you purchase a Kicksta plan, you can pay as you go and cancel anytime, with a 14-day money back guarantee. If you aren’t happy with the service during your first two weeks, you can get a full, immediate refund. Kicksta offers two payment plans:

  • Standard Plan ($49/month). Get moderate growth, video onboarding, and 10 targets.
  • Premium Plan ($99/month). Get maximum growth, video onboarding, 40 targets, VIP email support, live chat support, advanced targeting, and blacklist.

Kicksta also offers bulk pricing, which is calculated separately for each individual user. You can contact the company to get a custom quote. 

Kicksta vs. Upleap

Upleap is another popular Instagram growth service that’s comparable to Kicksta. Upleap primarily uses locations, hashtags, and similar users to find new followers for client accounts. Kicksta’s strategy is different: Kicksta uses the liking method, a proven, non-invasive tactic, to get you more organic followers.

Upleap has a few basic filtering options you can use to specify the types of accounts you’d like to attract. Kicksta offers several more advanced filtering methods, including filters that will help you avoid attracting spam accounts or fake followers

While Upleap and Kicksta both include features that help track your growth, Kicksta’s analytics are more detailed and easy to navigate. Upleap and Kicksta’s pricing options are comparable: Upleap costs either $39/month, $69/month, or $99/month depending on the plan you choose while Kicksta costs $49/month or $99/month.

Finally, many Upleap reviews say that the growth service doesn’t always do what it promises. According to these users, their accounts only gained a few new followers — and those followers didn’t seem to be genuine accounts. Kicksta, however, has garnered a long list of five-star reviews from happy customers. The results prove that Kicksta’s methods and strategies work: Many Kicksta reviews say that Kicksta helped the user’s account gain a steady stream of new (and real!) Instagram followers. 

Is Kicksta Reliable?

At the end of the day, the answer is yes: Kicksta is a reliable growth service that you can use to increase your Instagram following. What’s more, Kicksta’s advanced features, affordable price, and commitment to organic growth make it a better option than similar growth services on the market. By using Kicksta, you can see steady, organic growth for your business Instagram account. 

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