
Reasons To Take Online Quran Classes

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The Prophet (PBUH) said that there would be a time that religion would become like something strange in this world. He stated that holding onto religion in that time would be like holding onto hot coals. To some extent, we are seeing this prophecy playing out right now. One of the reasons behind this is the neglect of the Quran. Online Quran classes provide an extremely accessible and simple way for Muslims to learn about the holy book and the word of Allah.

Since the technological age began a few decades ago, people have been exposed to all sorts of ideologies and knowledge worldwide. There are many adverse effects of that, as we can see in the form of secular ideologies spreading, even in Muslim countries, with many Muslims preferring to live a life without engaging in religious practices. However, on the other hand, learning the Quran online is one of the many beneficial things to come out of the internet.

The Quran is a book for all of humanity, as Allah tells us. Unlike previous books that Allah revealed, it’s not restricted to a certain tribe or people. Instead, Allah said to us that He would preserve the holy book until the end of time, and therefore, it’s for people all over the world today, tomorrow, and for the rest of time until the Last Day. The Quran is Allah’s uncreated word. Therefore, it is Allah’s direct and miraculous speech, which is of immense benefit to everyone who consumes it.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Online Quran Classes

Learning the Quran online has some undeniable pros, and also a few cons to consider before you get started. So, let’s have a look at them right here.

Almost certainly, the most significant advantage is the convenience and flexibility that online Quran classes offer. You don’t have to worry about spending time or money going to a physical, potentially faraway location. Instead, all you need is a computer or a smart device, and with that, you can start learning the Quran on Skype right away.

The flexibility is there because online Quran academies serve students all over the world. Hence, any timing that is suitable for you will work for teachers since they work in all time zones. Moreover, you can choose how many classes you want to take and how long they should be. Hence, you can progress at the speed that suits you without worrying about living up to certain expectations.

While taking online Quran classes, you’ll find that we have some fine and experienced teachers with a lot of skill. Since Quran teachers have been at the forefront of the online learning process, they have a lot of prior experience in this aspect and know how to get the best out of students. Additionally, one-on-one classes are an ideal way for you to learn the Quran, enabling quick progress.

On the downside, some people will be disappointed that they have to miss out on the rewards of visiting a mosque, which is one of the alternatives for Quran learning. Besides that, it’s not easy to replicate the serious atmosphere of a Quran institution at home. If you don’t focus on that, you or your child may find it hard to concentrate during the online Quran classes.

What All Can You Learn?

Online Quran classes cater to students of all levels. We have online Quran tutors who know how to teach complete newbies, beginners with no experience of the Quran and Arabic if need be.

That’s what our basic Quran reading course is for. If you’re new to Islam or you don’t know any Arabic or anything about the Quran, feel free to take this course without a second thought. You’re the target audience for it. You’ll learn how to recognize and pronounce letters, and eventually, read Arabic sentences as well as the Quran.

Learns at a higher level will be happy to see our Tajweed course. Learning the Quran isn’t all about reading the Arabic letters. Once you’ve done that, there’s a higher level you can go. You can recite like a Qari by smoothening your recitation and removing mistakes. Tajweed will do just that.

When it comes to Quran memorization, we can help you there too. You can memorize the Quran with ease with our experienced Quran tutors who know the best methods. You can even take a Quran translation course if you don’t know Arabic, and you wish to understand the Quran. Therefore, we have all the bases covered.

Final Word

Learning the Quran online is something beneficial that all Muslims should engage in. It’s a matter of great pity that many Muslims worldwide don’t know how to recite the Quran, or even know the bare minimum, which is Surah al-Fatiha. Don’t fall into that trap and start learning the Quran right away.

Register at QuranForKids, where you’ll find a host of excellent teachers waiting to help you out. No matter what you want to learn, just sign up. Register, and you’ll get a free one-week trial straight away, which should alleviate any concerns you may have.

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