
Learn the Basics of When to Grow Cannabis Outdoors at Home for Ideal Harvests.

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Planting one of the world’s most debated plants can be difficult. Indoor cannabis cultivation is an easy but costly technique for newbies. Cannabis grows best in a private, sunny outdoor space, as it requires similar circumstances to a tomato plant. With proper maintenance, a tomato plant will likely produce fruit. But with cannabis plants, where bigger yields are expected, dedication is essential.

Personal marijuana cultivation is a pleasant project. Knowing when to plant outdoor weed in your area can make the process easier.

When to Plant Cannabis Outdoors

Timing is vital when starting home cannabis grow. Cold kills plants if planted too early. They risk dying as summer changes to autumn. Knowing the strain’s life cycle is essential if you buy cannabis seeds or clones to begin.

The most major thing is where you live. While you can control humidity and air flow in an indoor grow facility, you are susceptible to the elements when cultivating weed outdoors at home. Summer is often the greatest period to cultivate weed outdoors, however this varies by region. 

Best time to grow in Oregon?

Outdoor weed growing in Portland (coastal climate) is very different from an outdoor weed growing in Bend (high desert).

You can bring plants outside in March or April if you live on the Oregon coast and can protect them from extreme weather. Heavy rain often topples young plants. Cover plants with polyethylene or moist cloth if necessary.

In the desert of Central Oregon, temperatures can drop below freezing at night as late as mid-June and as early as mid-September. Move plants outside in May-June, and monitor overnight temps. Prepare to cover your plants to protect them from frost.

Best time to grow in California?

California also makes it possible for varied marijuana home growth. NorCal growers must deal with rain, colder temperatures, mold, and mildew growth. Meanwhile, growers in SoCal get more sunshine and dryer air, but not the same soil quality as their northern counterparts.

Consider the following advice for Oregon when growing in California, with NorCal resembling the Oregon coast and SoCal resembling Central Oregon’s high desert.

Best time to grow in Washington?

Similar to the Oregon coast, growing marijuana outdoors in Washington is difficult. However, they lack the full sun that outside plants need to thrive.

In early spring in Washington, it’s safe to put plants outside, but watch where you place them! Plan your garden to receive as much sunlight as possible during the day.

Best time to grow in Arizona?

Start early if you want to produce cannabis in Arizona’s scorching sun. A plant’s chances of surviving to improve as it grows stronger. You’ll need pots with nutrient-dense soil in Arizona, not soil in the ground. It would be best if you took your pots outside in late March or early April.

Use larger pots and keep them moist in hotter climates like Phoenix and Los Angeles. Cover the area with straw to help it retain water.

Best time to grow in Colorado?

Colorado, like most of the Midwest, has four distinct seasons. Colorado has short summers, making it difficult to know when to plant marijuana outside.

However, unless you live in the mountains, you may safely plant cannabis outdoors in Colorado between May-June. Plan to safeguard your crop based on the evening temperatures.

Cannabis will grow anywhere you live if you check the environment. Protect the plants against harsh weather, bugs, mold, and mildew, and ensure they’re properly fed and watered. Most cannabis strains are ready between early October and mid-November.

Outdoor Cannabis Plant Watering

Watering your plants depends on where you live, but you should water every other day throughout the summer, if not daily. If you have plants in the soil, they benefit from rainwater. Do not rely primarily on this method, as plants require top-down watering, especially when fed with nutrients or in pots. If you reside in a humid area, keep your plants dry to avoid root rot.

To water an adult cannabis plant effectively, you should use a garden hose instead of a sprinkler system. A more bigger garden will require an extendable hose or a hose reel to water efficiently. 

Your Water’s pH Level

As per Seed Supreme Experts, the hose irrigation method is popular, but it has drawbacks. Cannabis plants need a pH of 5.8 to 6.2 to absorb nutrients efficiently. Ordinary tap water is around 7.0. A pH meter and a water reservoir are required to pH your Water. Your Water will need to be adjusted to a pH between 5.8 and 6.2 if the result isn’t between 5.8 and 6. 

Putting boulders or clay soil under the planting holes can help slow down the drainage and avoid thirsty plants.

Some growers prefer water-retaining polymer crystals.

A rainy region will seek to improve its drainage system. When submerged in water for a long time, cannabis roots are susceptible to fungal illnesses.

Growing marijuana in a wet climate requires a mold-resistant cannabis strain. They grow tightly packed buds that decay quickly when moist. Keep your buds dry as much as you can. Try gently shaking each bud to remove any moisture.

Ideal Soil Conditions

To survive and create high-quality flowers, cannabis requires a combination of micro and macronutrients. Plants get their carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen from the air and water, but they need more from the soil. Nitrate, phosphorus, and potassium are the three macronutrients. These essential elements will ensure a robust crop with stable branches capable of producing and supporting dense, chunky buds.

If you are planting seeds directly into the ground, you must first modify the soil with compost teas and bokashi. But unlike the continual feeding and fertilizer the plants require throughout the growing season; this is a one-time job.

Gardeners’ success depends on caring for the living soil. Your plants may need a combination of feeding the topsoil and watering in nutrients, as well as adding liquid nutrients to your water reservoir. Regardless of how you feed your plants, do so with care.


Growing cannabis at home is a complicated but ultimately rewarding procedure. Don’t be surprised by the criteria, but do your homework. This will save you time and money and allow you to start your first cannabis harvest earlier. Take care of the soil, water, and sunlight. Enjoy your crop!

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